A Red Book of One’s Own/Start a Tradition (CV)
“Then when these things are in some precious book you can go to the book and turn over the pages and for you it will be your church – your cathedral – the silent places …
Dreams and Improvisation: by Guest Blogger David Kahn (CV)
This week I invited my friend David Kahn to be a guest blogger here at “All The Snooze That’s Fit to Print.” David, a neuroscientist at Harvard who studies the dreaming brain, is currently preparing …
When the Dream Forcasts Rain (CV)
Dream: I find myself in a warmly lit parking lot outside a restaurant. Clouds are gathering, thickly layered, black and gray. There’s lightning in the distance. How will I get home? I ask if anyone …
Dreams within a dreams … so what’s real?
Anyone who has experienced the phenomenon of false awakenings, waking from a dream only to find she has entered yet another dream, has pondered the question of whether the dream is perhaps the true reality, …
Feeling dark and gloomy? Autumn is the ideal time to discover you shadow
Celebrate the season with a spooky book and a scary dream When the leaves start to fall and the sunlight slinks away, I often assign my college English students “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,” by …
Pondering: Who goes to sleep? Who goes to dream?
When I go to sleep I ask myself: Who is going to sleep and who is going to dream? The “I” that I know by day, (my body, my familiar identity, my ego), goes to …
Vacation Photos: Dreamy Montreal — CV
While on summer vacation in Montreal, David and I found ourselves talking about dreams, precognition and mutual dreaming — while we tried to cool off during a brutal heat wave. David is a scientist, I …
A Poem on the Nature of Dreams
On the Nature of Dreams “As is generally known, we cannot manipulate dreams: they are, as it were, the voice of nature within us.” – Marie-Louise von Franz Wild animals are in the …