Corner View — Orange (Dreaming in Color)
For days, it seemed, my thinking had been fuzzy; my mood detached. My dreams had been hard to “catch.” I wasn’t writing — that would require focus, which I didn’t have. Then, dreamed I was …
Rat in a Maze Dreams
Earlier this year I was looking for a place to live. By day I attended open houses, scoured Craigs List and real estate listings for the perfect two-bedroom. And night after night I dreamed of …
The Question of Dream Journals — Take 2
I guess I still haven’t totally recovered from my move, because I’m still thinking of all those cardboard boxes filled with journals … dream and day journals. I wasn’t sure where to put them all …
Wish Upon the Falling Moon
Last night I was staring into the midnight sky, and saw the crescent moon tumbling. Tumbling and turning and swooping through blackness. A magnificent sight! A cloud of sparkling moon dust followed in its silvery …
Dream Journals
During a recent move I came face to face … literally … with the fact that I have accumulated nearly fifty journals. I began keeping a diary at age 12, and I still have that …
Flying Alone
Flying alone I always take the aisle; protection Against being pinned between a stranger and the window. But now, with you, I sit beside The plane’s lidded eye, Raise the shade, take in the view: …
After A Long Silence … The Word Is: “Okay”
After more than half a year of poetic silence, I asked my dreams to send a poem. Well, more specifically, I asked my dreams to send me a poem about clouds. I did not dream …
#29: Some Questions You Might Ask
after Mary Oliver What if this is the dream and real life happens when you’re asleep? Why do I remember so many dreams each night but I can’t remember where I left my keys? Why …
#28: Inside Dream
A poem featuring anagrams for Dream* Open up this dream and find a dare; a dram to set your imagination on fire; a ream of memory and association. It’s who you are and what I …