Q&A: Can I choose to dream about a particular topic?
Q: I’ve often heard you say that dreams can offer guidance, they can help us heal, solve problems, and more. Can we ask our dreams directly for answers to the questions that are on our mind? Or do we just have to wait?
A: Dear Impatient,
Life is too short to sit around and wait for the phone to ring–or for the dream to serve up a custom answer to our pressing questions. So, yes, go ahead and ask. Tell the dream what’s on your mind.
I know, most people think dreams are purely random occurrences over which we have no control. But the practical reality is quite different. With even a little effort and practice, most anyone can learn to incubate a dream. The instructions I offer are quite simple:
- Practice remembering your dreams by taking an interest in them. Start to record them in writing, drawing or even using the voice memos feature on your phone. Even if you don’t remember a dream, record anything at all you do remember, including emotions, a felt sense of having dreamt about a general situation or topic.
- Once you’ve gotten to the point where you are remembering dreams on a more regular basis, you’re ready to try to incubate the answer to a specific question. Before bed set an intention: “Tonight in my dreams I will learn about …” “Tonight in my dreams I will see what’s in store if I decide to …” “Tonight in my dreams I’ll find healing for …” (Don’t bother with “Yes or No” questions, though. Dreams are better at showing you possibilities–rather than checking off an answer in a little box.)
- Put a picture or object that represents your intention near your bed, or under your pillow or mattress.
- Record your dream in the morning and review it for any ways it might connect with your intention. If you don’t remember any dreams, try again until you do.
- Expect results! Don’t be wishy washy about this. Whatever dream you receive in the morning is the answer to your question, even if you don’t see the connection right away. Consult with a dream therapist or an interested friend to explore the dream and find where it connects to your query.
Incubating dreams by setting dream intentions is a way to focus your attention—a skill that is helpful both awake and asleep. Where our thoughts go our actions and energies go. Where our dreams go, so our consciousness follows.
Setting dream intentions makes us more conscious agents of our lives and our environments.
So, my impatient pal, don’t just sit by the phone. Dial up a dream and see what happens.
Dreamily yours,
Tz …
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To learn more about conscious dreaming, dream incubation, and/or how to use your dreams for personal or planetary healing, contact me for an individual dream consultation. Learn more at www.annecampbelldesign.com/thirdhousemoon.