Quote Unquote: The Power of a Post
The Butterfly Effect*–Social Media Style The following quote was published in 1973, decades before the advent of Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Its importance has multiplied exponentially since then. “Any word you speak this afternoon will radiate …
Why I <3 Facebook Birthdays
Today is my birthday. But if you are one of my 1,200+ Facebook friends you already knew that. Heres why I love Facebook-enhanced birthdays … and some suggestions for making them even better.
The Longest Night of the Year is the Best Night for Dreaming (CV — Seasonal)
The Solstice (12/22/11 this year) marks the longest night of the year … but it doesn’t have to be the loneliest. What if on this dark night, you could dream with over 500 other people …
Lonely – Together (CV)
What is the antidote to loneliness? No, the answer to loneliness doesn’t involve going to a party, hopping onto Facebook or taking a trip to the mall. The antidote to loneliness is solitude. Solitude is …