Observations from the pillow in a time of pandemic
Today it’s obvious: When I stay close to home, consume less and crave less, I help my body to rest and stay healthy, and I help keep my community safe and healthy, too.
A Dreamer’s Response to the Climate Crisis
As a professional dreamworker, I have studied the workings of the sleeping and dreaming brain, as well as the history, psychology, and theology of dreaming. I’ve worked with people in one-on-one sessions and dream groups and classes locally, nationally and worldwide. In the process, I have learned a great deal about how dreams can help us as individuals and how they can support us as a community. Even in the face of the Climate Crisis that now threatens our planet.
When the questions are big, start simple
What if What if we treated the earth As we would a gracious dinner party host And we asked before we took And said thank you when we received And what if when we filled …
A Dreamer’s Role in Hopeless Times
As a 10-year-old, I started a group called H.O.W. (Help Our World). I called a meeting of a few of my grade-school friends and we made posters that decried littering and admonished people to “Respect Mother Nature.” That group foundered but I’ve never quite given up: Now, with the same sense of outsized optimism, I host a group called 350 Dreamers, in which nearly 1,000 people around the world dream together in the face of climate change. And against all odds, I believe we can make a difference.